

2023-2024 academic year

Department: propaedeutics of internal medicine No. 2

Subject: propaedeutics of internal medicine

Faculty: Treatment No. 2

Course: II

Semester: IV

Allocated hours for science: 120 hours

Lecture: 10 hours

Practical training: 50 hours

Independent work: 60 hours



Ma’ruzalar mavzulari




Topic 1. Enter. History of development of internal medicine.
Definition of the science of propaedeutics of internal diseases.
Aims and objectives Understanding of semiotics, symptomatology and diagnosis.
Medical deontology. Methods of clinical examination of patients: survey.
Complaint. Current medical history. Life history.
Physical methods of examining patients: inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation



Topic 2: Examination of patients with respiratory diseases. To inquire. Review. Palpation and percussion of the chest. Lung auscultation: primary and secondary breath sounds.




Topic 3: Main syndromes in patients with respiratory diseases. Syndromes of densification of lung tissue, formation of a cavity in the lung, increased air in the lung tissue, accumulation of fluid and air in the pleural space, bronchial permeability disorders.



Topic 4: Methods of examination of patients with cardiovascular disease. Inquiry, inspection. Examination of the heart and peripheral vessels. Heart palpation and percussion
Topic 5: Auscultation of the heart. Tone formation mechanism. Tones in a healthy person and changes in tones in cardiovascular diseases. Heart murmurs. Noise generation mechanism. Organic and functional interactions


SUBJECT plan of practical training

Software Internal Medicine Propaedeutics.

1. “The tasks of the subject Internal Medicine Propaedeutics. The order of examination of the patient. “

“The scheme of history. Methods of clinical examination of the patient: questioning, inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation. Complaints: major and minor. History of present illness (anamnesis morbi). The life story of the patient (anamnesis vitae) ». – 4h

2.  An independent inquiry of the patient. “The physical examination of the patient (patient’s general condition, consciousness, position, figure).” “Survey on the parts of the body: head, face, neck.” – 4 hours

3.  “Survey on body parts: limbs, skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, bones, joints, limbs. “Fever. Temperature curves. Anthropometry “- 4 hours.

4. “Methods of examination of patients with respiratory diseases. Questioning of patients with respiratory diseases. “”Inspection of the chest” – 4 hours.

5. “Palpation – as a method of objective research. Palpation of lymph nodes. “.

“Palpation of the chest” -4 hours.

6. “Percussion – as a method of objective research. Percussion of the lungs. Comparative percussion “” Topographic percussion in a healthy person and respiratory diseases “- 4 hours.

7. “Auscultation – as a method of objective research. Terms and machinery auscultation. Auscultation of the lungs main respiratory sounds (vesicular and bronchial breathing). “

“Auscultation of the lungs side souffles (dry and moist rales, crackling and noise

pleural friction) “- 4 hours.

8. “Functional and instrumental methods of investigation of patients with diseases of the respiratory system: spirometry, pneumatic, oximetry. Respiratory failure. X-ray examination of the lungs. Bronchoscopy. Bronchography. Tomography. “

“Laboratory lesson: sputum and pleural fluid” -4 hours.

9.  “syndrome of bronchial patency. Diagnosis of acute and chronic bronchitis. The negative effect of smoking on the respiratory system. “

“Syndrome increase airiness lung tissue. Evaluation of patients with obstructive

lung disease, asthma and emphysema “- 4 hours.

10.“syndrome seal lung tissue. Inflammatory diseases of the lung (lobar and lobular pneumonia). “. “Syndrome air and fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity. Hydrothorax and pneumothorax. Evaluation of patients with pleurisy (dry and exudative) “- 4 hours.

11.“syndrome in the lung cavity. Evaluation of patients with bronchiectasis, lung abscess “Curation of patients. The history of the disease number 1 – 4 hours.

12. “Methods of examination of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Inquiry of the patient, a general examination of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. “. “Examination of the heart and peripheral vascular disease. Palpation of the heart “- 3 hours.

13. “Percussion heart. Delimitation of the relative cardiac dullness of a healthy person and pathology of the circulatory system. “”Percussion heart. Defining the boundaries of cardiac dullness of a healthy person and pathology of the circulatory system. Configuration of the heart. X-ray analysis “- 3 hours.

14. “Auscultation of the heart. The order of auscultation of the heart. Characteristics of normal heart sounds in a healthy person. “. “Cardiac auscultation. Change colors with cardiovascular disease (gain and attenuation, splitting and split tones, additional tones) “- 3 hours.

15. “Auscultation of the heart. Characteristics of heart murmurs in cardiovascular disease. “

“Research vessels. Characteristics of the pulse in a healthy person and pathology of the cardiovascular system. Blood pressure. The concept of hypertension and hypotension. Methods for measuring blood pressure ‘- 3 hours.

16. “ECG. ECG system. Normal electrocardiogram. “. “ECG in violation of the automatism, excitability” -3 hours.

17.“ECG in violation of the conductivity, contractility.” -3 Hours.

18. “Symptomatology rheumatism and rheumatic heart disease primary. Signs and early diagnosis of primary rheumatic heart disease. “

“Symptomatology mitrale: failure and mitral valve stenosis” – 3 hours.

19. “Symptomatology bacterial endocarditis.” “Symptomatology aortic defects: failure and aortic stenosis” – 3 hours.


V-68 semester hours



20. “The concept of CHD. Symptomatology of angina. “”The concept of CHD. Symptomatology myocardial infarction “- 4 hours

21. “Symptomatology hypertension. The concept of symptomatic hypertension. “- 3h

22.“Lack of blood flow (compensated and decompensated state). Vascular insufficiency. Curation of patients. Medical history number 2 – 4 hours ..

23. “Methods of examination of patients with diseases of the digestive system (complaints, medical history and life). General examination and inspection of the oral cavity. Inspection of the abdomen. “”Palpation of the abdominal cavity” – 4 hours.

24. “Instrumental methods of study of the digestive system (X-ray, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy).”

“Symptomatology gastritis (acute and chronic) Investigation of gastric juice” -4 hours.

25. “Symptomatology of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.”. “Symptomatology enteritis and colitis. Fecal “-4 hours.

26. “Methods of examination of patients with diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Inquiry of the patient, the general inspection, palpation, percussion of the liver. “”Laboratory and instrumental methods of examination of the liver and biliary tract (the study of duodenal contents, cholecystography, liver scan. Ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder. Computed tomography” – 4 hours.

27. “Basic clinical syndromes: jaundice.” “The main clinical syndromes: portal hypertension, liver failure” – 4h

28. “Symptomatology of chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis.” -3ch

29.“Symptomatology cirrhosis” – 3 hours.

30.“The plan of examination of patients with diseases of the urinary organs. Questioning of patients with diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Inspection, palpation, percussion kidney. “

“The main clinical syndromes in renal disease. Lab: urine.

Kidney function tests (Zimnitsky, nechyporenko, Rehberg) “- 4 hours.

31. “Symptomatology nephritis (acute and chronic).” “Symptomatology of renal failure (acute and chronic)” – 4 hours.

32. “questioning and examination methods for patients with diseases of the blood system (complaints, medical history and life, the hereditary factor). Inspection. Palpation and percussion of the spleen. “

“Investigation of the blood. The clinical significance of blood count.

Complete blood count is normal. “- 4 hours.

33. “Symptomatology anemia.” “Symptomatology of leukemia.” – 4 hours.

34. “questioning of patients with diseases of the endocrine glands (complaints, medical history and life, hereditary factors). General examination of individual body parts. “Symptomatology of thyroid disease.” – 3 hours.

35. “Symptomatology diabetes. The concept of diabetic and hypoglycemic komah. “- 3 hours.

36. “Surveys of patients with diseases of the joints. Questioning, inspection and palpation of the joints. Symptomatology rheumatoid arthritis. The concept of arthrosis “.- 3 hours

37. “Evaluation of patients with connective tissue diseases. The concept of kollagenozah.

Symptomatology of allergic diseases. Anaphylactic shock, allergic edema,

urticaria. – 3 hours.

38.“Curation of patients. Writing and defense history №3 »- 4 hours